Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Stepped on the scale this morning

It wasn't what I wanted to see. I lost 2 pounds. I know it doesn't seem like a lot, but I have been a consistent weight for a couple months now and to see that I lost doesn't make me happy. I am going to have to get back to monitoring my calorie in take to make sure I am eating enough through out the day. I am only into week 6 of my 18 weeks of marathon training...I can't afford to lose anymore weight!!

You are probably thinking "why is she complaining about losing 2lbs?". Well, because of the fact that I am 5'7" in already in a size zero. I have a tough time finding clothes that fit right. Plus, I worry about how I look since I have had people make comments to me like "why don't you eat a cookie". I don't think they realize that I work out and run ALL THE TIME! I am not trying to lose weight. If anything, I wouldn't mind adding a couple pounds (in specific areas, lol!).

Guess I should log back on to sparkpeople! What a PITA!


  1. "Why dont you eat a cookie?"
    I hate when people make comments like that about other people's weight or eating habits.

  2. Avocados, nuts, granola, and olive oil...those are some calorie dense foods I find are easy to slip into my diet to keep weight on. The occasional chocolate chip cookie and slice of pizza work too :)

  3. I eat avocados, granola and olive oil almost daily!
    Looks like I will turn to the pizza and cookies. :-)
