Sunday, July 25, 2010

Completed; Week 7 of Chicago Marathon trainings

Monday Scheduled: 4 mile run
Monday Actual: None- Sick w/ food poisoning

Tuesday Scheduled: 7 mile run
Tuesday Actual: none- Sick w/ food poisoning

Wednesday Scheduled: 4 mile run
Wednesday Actual: My First Two-A-Day! morning run: 4.3 miles 34:43, 8:05 pace, evening run: 5 miles 45:00, 9:00 pace, push ups 1 x 20

Thursday Scheduled: Rest
Thursday Actual: 5 miles on treadmill 44:00, 8:48 pace, push ups 4 x 10

Friday Scheduled: 7 mile pace run
Friday Actual: P90X ab ripper, P90X Core Synergesistics

Saturday Scheduled: 14 mile run
Saturday Actual: 7 miles on treadmill 60:00, 8:34 pace, Uppper body lifting

Sunday Scheduled: cross train
Sunday Actual: 10.02 miles 1:25:31, 8:32 pace

Scheduled Mileage: 36 miles
Actual Mileage: 31.32 miles
Weight: 120lbs


  1. Hello Stephanie - New to your blog. First - sorry about the food poisoning. Yikes! 2nd - first marathon - 3:46 - that's disgusting! Took me 15 to get to 3:49, ha ha, but it was a BQ race, and I have thoroughly LOVED the journey.

  2. Sorry to hear about your food poisoning, but way to go on the 2 a day! That's awesome!
    I'm new to running (just finished my first 5K) and am hoping to run a half marathon next May. Your blog is very inspiring! Thanks!
