Sunday, September 27, 2009

Week 15 complete!

This was my biggest week thus far and turned out to be my best week! I had great runs during the week and my 20 miler turned out to be better than I could ever imgaine! I am so proud of what I accomplished and how ready I feel.

When I first started my training, I felt like the marathon would never be here. Now it's just around the corner!

3 weeks from today I will be in the 1% of Americans that run a marathon!!


  1. Congrats on an awesome week!!


  2. Wow, you blew away your projected time on that 20 miler! I think you need to up the ante.

    I can't wait for your race report because I'm sure you'll finish way under 4 hours.

  3. You are so close. Congrats on all of your training accomplishments!

    My running coach says that it is actually more like 0.5% because of the crazies (like me and my friends and hopefully you too) who enjoy running more than 1 marathon a year!
