Monday, March 12, 2012

Pulling out of Boston

It's official, all the hard work I have put in over the past 2 years to qualify and run Boston will not be paying off in the end.  I will be pulling out of the Boston Marathon.

My only question is, how do I do so?  Do I just email the BAA telling them I am pulling out of the race and request them to send me my shirt?  I know I do not get my bib, but for a $150 registration fee, I think I deserve my shirt!  My brother in-law told me to ask them if I can deferre but I already saw under the FAQ's that as of 2011, they no longer deferre registrations to the following year. 

I've never had to pull out of a race before, especially one of this caliber, so I am not 100% certian how to go about it. 


  1. I'm sorry you've had to do this girl! I would definitely send them an email and see what can be done. If nothing else I would figure out if there were anyone who was going that could pick up your packet for you so you still get your bib and all that.

    1. It's a bit disappointing but it just gives me a post-pregnancy goal! :-)

  2. I would think they would have an exception due to pregnancy!

    1. I will soon find out! I am going to type up an email tomorrow. Worst case is they tell me No.

  3. I'm really surprised if they do not have some policy for pregnancy.

    Sorry to hear that it is not going to work out for you. I'm sure you will BQ again in no time!

  4. Sorry to hear about it. Post-baby goal #1... lose baby wieght. Post-baby goal #2... RE-QUALIFY for BOSTON!! You totally got this!

  5. Hey girl, I'm sorry you won't be at Boston this year, but I have no doubt you will be re-BQed and there in no time. I sent you a FB message, if you want me to pick up your packet I can if you send me your card signed. Just let me know. :)
