Friday, July 22, 2011

Bloomington or Bust!

I head out of town tomorrow for the Red Eye Relay in Bloomington, Indiana.  I have never taken part in a relay so I am quite nervous.  I do not want to let my team down.  We have assigned our running order and not only do I run the first leg, but I also run the last.  Very cool, but is also contributing to my nervousness.  You can have anywhere from 2 people to a max of 7 people on a team.  We are in the Ultra Mixed category w/ 4 runners (2 female and 2 male).  The earliest start time is 4pm, but we chose 5:30pm.  We are positive we can win our category.  Another reason to make me nervous!  You can not finish before 6am and if you do, you receive a 30 minute penalty.  If you finish prior to 5:30am, then you get a DQ. 

Below is a list of each leg (mine legs are in bold). Our running order is me, Jason, Jaclyn and Dan.  You must maintain that same order through-out the entire race. Jason and I end up running a total of 24.75 miles, Jaclyn runs a total of 19.22 and Dan runs a total of 31.28 miles. 

I need to go over my packing list as well.  We need to be 100% self sufficient. We need to bring any fuel we may need through out the event as well (i.e. clif bars, bananas, electrolyte drinks, etc...)  I must to bring multiple pairs of socks, shorts and sports bras.  Jaclyn has our race team singlet's (2 per person) which she attempted to tie-die.  Dan & Jason have our rear lights, head lamps and reflective vests.  I also will bring a handheld water bottle, flash light, mace, towels to soak in water (to cool down due to the high temps), Garmin, hats, etc....   Dan has reserved a mini van for our team so we can have room to stretch out in between our legs.

Although I am nervous, I am also very excited!  I think this is going to be sucha  fun and exciting experience.  It's not everyday you run through-out the night and into the wee hours of the morning.

Leg #NameCheckpoints Distance Cumulative
1Easy CheeseA to B 2.22 2.22
2PorkchopB to C 5.95 8.17
3Malaria MillerC to D 5.90 14.07
4Wild Turkey RunD to E 4.40 18.47
5Death Dog HouseE to F 3.85 22.32
6Gravel Gone WildF to G 7.00 29.32
7Smokin' the BearG to H 4.02 33.34
8Lakeside Ass Whoopin'H to J 7.86 41.20
9Bolting Bologna LegsJ to B 6.54 47.74
10Hard CheeseB to A 2.22 49.96
11Easy CheeseA to B 2.22 52.18
12PorkchopB to C 5.95 58.13
13Malaria MillerC to D 5.90 64.03
14Wild Turkey RunD to E 4.40 68.43
15Death Dog HouseE to F 3.85 72.28
16Gravel Gone WildF to G 7.00 79.28
17Smokin' the BearG to H 4.02 83.30
18Porthole PottyH to I 4.63 87.93
19Grape ApeI to J 3.23 91.16
20Bolting Bologna LegsJ to B 6.54 97.70
21Hard CheeseB to A 2.22 99.92


  1. Oooooooooooooo have a blast girl! Make sure you bring extra plastic bags to put the sweaty clothes you're not going to wear anymore in. Baby wipes and powder are your best friend and Febreeze covers most orders in the car!

  2. Sounds like a great time. I can't wait to hear about it. Take lots of pictures(when there's light) Haha!

  3. Good luck! I love the names of the legs! Can't wait to hear the recap.

  4. Good luck! Can't wait to see a race recap!
